6 Amazing Benefits of Garlic - Informative Talks


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Thursday, January 30, 2020

6 Amazing Benefits of Garlic

Garlic counted in green spice found in every home kitchen, it has numerous medical benefits.
According to the American website 'Healthline' nutritionist Joe Leach says that the chemicals used in medicine are naturally found in garlic, garlic contains 2 percent manganese, 2 percent vitamin B, vitamin B 1 percent. Vitamin C along with 1% selenium, is also found in fiber. Garlic spearmint thyme, eucalyptus lemon, and cinnamon bark and found garlic was the most successful at scaring off the invading pest.

6 Amazing Benefits of Garlic

1. Use of Garlic and honey 
Garlic if used honey makes it a great medicine. Adult mouth food protects against weight loss, colds, and colds, its use of saline mouth cleanses the harmful health substance in the human body.

2. Heart Protection
The use of Garlic help to prevent the formation of fat in the arteries. Garlic a blood cleaning ingredient, protects the heart, keeping the cholesterol level balanced by its daily use.

3.Cancer Protection
Various studies have shown that daily use of garlic can protect against gastric and intestinal cancer. The use of Garlic also causes increase strength immunity

4. Extend the Beauty of Skin and Hair
The use of garlic prevents the effects of aging on the faces. The best tonic for skin diseases. If grinding garlic and massage it into the roots of the hair, there are astounding benefits. This process speeds up blood circulation, stop hair loss, breaks down and gives hair shine and firmness

5. The straw in the Hand or Foot the glass chewed
If straw in the hand or foot the glass chewed. So cutting the garlic and placing it on the wound with bandage leaves the fork in the skin itself.

6. Precautions
Asthma patients should avoid using garlic directly
It is forbidden to use garlic before any type of surgery, its use destroys the effect of the drug.
You should not use more than 2 or 3 garlic yogurt a day.


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