How to Protect Skin and Facial Beauty? - Informative Talks


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Friday, June 5, 2020

How to Protect Skin and Facial Beauty?

Get protect skin and facial beauty for a look attractive. 
Skin is an important part of the body. Healthy skin makes you look attractive and attractive. An example of skin can be given with a plaster. No matter how beautiful the house looks from the inside, if it is not plastered finely from above, a passerby will not get a good impression when he sees it. The same is true of your skin. If your skin is clean, everyone will be drawn to you automatically.

Most women in our country do not put much effort and attention into maintaining and enhancing their health and beauty. Although girls strive for beauty in their youth, it has been observed that when children are born after marriage, then they do not pay any attention to their health and beauty and think that becoming a mother. After leaving, they should not care too much about their health and should just do the housework. Laziness, uselessness, and laziness are things that make a person incompetent. In our country, women are more prone to laziness than men. That is why their youth ends within thirty years and after becoming the mother of a few children, old age is imposed on their face and body. Do you know the reason for this? Apparently, the reason is excessive rest, unbalanced diet and lack of hygiene principles, but is considered, some social and psychological reasons will also come to light. 
First of all, after giving birth to two children after marriage, a woman is satisfied that she has got permanent protection and her husband has to live with her for the rest of his life no matter what the circumstances. It is as if the protection and care of the body was necessary only before marriage. When the marriage took place and the children started playing in the house, the woman began to consider beauty and hygiene as useless. However, the reality is quite the opposite. A man's desire, love and fascination can only be maintained if he always sees beauty, attractiveness, health and cleanliness in his life partner.
Otherwise, he will start neglecting his life partner. The stubborn and stale personality of the wife will give birth to a thief inside her and she will be looking for things outside the walls of the house that she can desire with her life partner at home. 
The use of vegetables is perfect for your health and beauty. Drinking fruit juice and vegetable soup is very useful for skin beauty and complexion. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Add a little butter and cook on low heat for ten minutes. During cooking, add water and salt, ground black pepper and a little sugar. When the mixture boils, take it off and drink it warm.
In addition to satisfying hunger and digestion, tomatoes also cleanse the blood and cleanse the skin. 
Tomatoes contain vitamins A, B and C, which cause good blood flow to the body and brighten the face and eyes. Just as the tomato itself is red, so does the eater.
Here are some helpful tips that will make your skin and face attractive.

Beauty lotion:
Prepare beauty lotion in the following way to brighten the complexion. This beauty lotion is extremely useful for removing facial scars, acne and nails. Now fill it with 50 grams of rose liqueur and 50 grams of glycerin in a well-mixed bottle. Apply this lotion on the face at night and wash it off with water in the morning. Its use brightens the complexion and makes the skin soft like silk. 

Skin beauty:
Use vitamins B and C to beautify the skin, such as spinach, cauliflower, potatoes, turnips, beets, tomatoes, sugar cane, apples, grapefruit, all pulses and green leafy vegetables. 

Dry skin:
If the skin is dry, use vegetable juices, milk, yogurt, butter, peas, raw vegetables and fresh fruits. 
Vitamin A-rich foods are good for dry skin, such as green onions, turnips, spinach, carrots, apricots, peaches, etc. 

Smooth skin:
If the skin is very oily, eat less chicken foods. Do not use sweets at all. Use fruit juices instead of sweets. Sangtra kars are especially effective for brightening skin tone. Women with oily skin should use unleavened bread and raw vegetable salads with every meal.

Yellow skin:
Yellow skin is a sign of anemia. To make up for the lack of blood in the body, use foods that are high in iron, such as spinach, turnips, liver, egg yolks and apples. Iron is an important component of blood. It causes redness in the skin and irritation in the body. Apricots, figs, almonds, dates and most fruits contain iron.

Sulfur foods:
If you want your skin to be beautiful and glowing, use foods rich in sulfur, such as radishes, onions, cauliflower, tomatoes and salads, and drink sesame, malt, seasonal and cannabis juices.

Potassium-rich foods:
If you want to soften your facial skin, use steel and potassium-rich foods. Consumption of these foods regulates blood circulation in the body and eliminates constipation, such as manqa, dried figs, dried potatoes, peas, carrots, onions, etc. 

Face mask:
There is no better or easier way to protect your face and keep your skin fresh and radiant than a face mask, but be sure to check your facial skin before applying a face mask. Somewhere you can use such a mask for dry skin. This will make your skin drier. Whether your skin is oily or dry, an egg mask is generally useful for every skin type. Here's how to prepare it: 
Mix a few drops of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey in an egg white and mix it well and leave it on the face for twenty minutes. After 20 minutes, soak the cotton in warm water for a while and gently remove the mask from the face. This lip softens dry skin.

For glowing and soft skin:
Another face mask that makes the skin shiny and soft is made with the help of honey. Take a little honey in a spoon, add a few drops of lemon juice and mix well. Apply honey on the face well. After 20 minutes, soak a small amount of cotton in warm water and slowly remove the honey from the face. 
This is how every mask should be removed. Never splash water on the face to remove the mask. 

Mask for dry skin:
Egg yolk and oil masks are very useful for dry skin. Put almond oil or olive oil in an egg yolk, paint well and apply on face. Remove after 20 minutes. Similarly, for oily skin, a mask can be prepared by adding a few drops of lemon or sangtra juice to the egg yolk. 

A few last words:
Skin beauty is all about your health. If you want your skin to be beautiful and soft, pay attention to your health first. Just applying creams and masks externally does not make the skin beautiful. Some women's complaints also affect the skin. Digestive disorders and nutritional imbalances can also affect the texture of the skin. So take care of your diet, exercise daily and get up early in the morning and take deep breaths in the fresh air, this recipe will keep your blood clean. 
If you have a gynecological complaint, consult an authoritative doctor.

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